All items are provided directly to Title 1 schools (with 40% of the population in low-SES communities), Students, Families, Missions, Relief Organizations and Welfare groups in Buffalo, NY area (BNY).

click any box below to participate!

Our annual Freddie’s Gift Drive will take place December, 23rd, 2024.

Please join us this season! Find more information here!

Freddie & Friends Announcements!

As the summer season winds down Freddie & Friends is preparing for our annual Gift Drive! Our goal is to donate cold-weathered supplies, activities, and toys to students and families in the Buffalo New York community. You can help us reach this goal by using the links below, contacting, and by spreading the word.

Want to know about other upcoming events with Freddie & Friends? Take a look at our Important Winter Dates for our Holiday Series.

Thank you!

  • October 10th.

Upcoming Important Winter Dates: