Help Build

Help Freddie build his bookshelf! ‘Freddie’s Bookshelf” is a children’s literature initiative which gives books to communities within book deserts. A book desert is a geographic area where books and other reading materials are hard to obtain without access to transportation. It is Freddie & Friends mission to provide students with access to reading and other learning materials within the Buffalo, NY area. All books are donated to families, schools & local city missions in the BNY area.

Not sure what books to donate or why?

  • Step Into Reading books are important additions to Freddie’s Library. Step Into Reading books are designed for different readers at various reading levels. If you ever want to know what reading level you are gifting check the upper right hand corner of all SIR books. Freddie uses these books to donate to schools and local missions. Check out Freddie’s Step into Reading wish-list!

  • Classic Read Aloud books are important additions to Freddie’s Library. These books are perfect for ‘Freddie Families’ (students and their families we support throughout the year) and classrooms! Check out Freddie’s Read-Aloud wish-list or send a personal favorite!

  • Chapter books are important additions to Freddie’s Library. Freddie uses these books to donate to our middle & highschool aged students, classrooms, schools and local missions. Check out Freddie’s Chapter Book wish-list!